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Several Texarkana ISD Elementary School Teams Selected as Breakout Presenters at the 2023 Dallas Leader in Me Symposium

The FranklinCovey company has chosen several Texarkana ISD Elementary School student and adult teams to participate as breakout presenters at the 2023 Dallas Leader in Me Symposium. Teams from Morriss, Theron Jones, and Spring Lake Park will present some of their successes as Lighthouse campuses as part of the Leader In Me process.

Morriss Elementary students on the Culture Action Team will present on the culture of leadership and community found at Morriss. They aim to share with other schools how Leader in Me has impacted their lives in and out of school and present systems other schools can implement to impact their students similarly.

Administrative and faculty team members from Theron Jones will show how a high-risk school reached Lighthouse status. Their presentation is titled "Motivating Success with Trackers and Celebrations: The Journey of How One High-Risk Elementary School Reached Lighthouse."

Spring Lake Park Elementary administrators and faculty will also facilitate a session on "Building Culture at a High Poverty School."

FranklinCovey designed the 2023 Dallas Leader in Me Symposium to discover ways to elevate education in the district, school, and classroom. The focus this year is the community coming TOGETHER: of ideas, of genius, of people, and communities.